Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown is a timeless bedtime story about a little bunny falling asleep. It has been illustrated by Clement Hurd. The pages of the book take kids through the process of saying good night to everything around them. Starting with a 'green room' and slowly encompassing the stars, moon, and the air surrounding us. I had bought this book for my older son and it stayed with us as we moved across countries. At a deeper level, this Margaret Wise Brown book talks about gratitude for all the comforts we have in our lives, be it the room or the random comb.

In this video, I read the book with my younger son, who is equally enamored by the simple story and even decided to get his friends midway through the story...maybe it is his way to say good night to his little world.

To share a funny anecdote,  I first came to know about the Goodnight Moon book while watching the house tour (by Architectural Digest) of Neil Patrick Harris. While showing off the nursery of his mansion, he spoke about the love his twins have for this particular book. I was hooked. Of all the fascinating things adorning his house that was out of my reach (physically and financially), this book was the one I could immediately add to my son's book collection and I did.